Any University of New Haven senior graduating in December 2018 or May 2019 that gives $5 or more to the area of their choice will receive a green and white philanthropy cord to wear at commencement! Let's get 100% participation from team members to start the race towards your goal!
Your $25 gift will cover the Competition entry fee for one student-athlete.
With two practice sessions a day and 6-8 hour track meets - snacks and beverages are a must! Your $50 donation will help keep us energized.
Don't let us go hungry! A gift of $100 will cover the cost of meals for one student-athlete.
A contribution of $150 is equivalent to a 5 day hotel stay in a suite for one student-athlete.
Off to Troy! Your $250 donation will provide round-trip transportation for one student-athlete from CT to AL!
A generous $600 donation will cover an ENTIRE trip for one (very grateful!) student-athlete!